Grünenthal to buy NebidoTM testosterone treatment from Bayer for 500m
The deal, which Bayer said would help it focus its Pharma business on key areas of future medical innovation, is expected to close by the end of 2022, according to the company. The male hypogonadism treatment has patent exclusivity in the EU until March 2024 and in the U.S. until May 2027, although it is not sold in the U.S. When given orally it is absorbed through the intestinal lymphatics, thereby bypassing otherwise extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism. It is converted to DHT before being absorbed, so monitoring should be by measuring DHT, not testosterone levels. Nebido is a long-acting injectable form of testosterone undecanoate, designed to treat men with low testosterone (hypogonadism).
- It contains important instructions to ensure safety and effective use of this medication.
- Our commitment to authenticity and reliability makes us the preferred choice for Nebido users across Europe.
- The company is now entering its final phase of integrating the two UK businesses under the Bayer Schering Pharma banner.
Enan (Test E) Ultima Pharmaceuticals 250mg/ml, 10ml
Buying Nebido in Europe is easy and secure with trusted online suppliers, ensuring you reach your health and fitness goals with confidence. The institutional subscription may not cover the content that you are trying to access. Of 123 men who used “AndroGel 1%” for periods up to 42 months, 12 had some local skin irritation, but only one discontinued treatment as a result 112. Topical application of testosterone, as a gel or from transdermal patches, can lead to absorption and systemic effects 109. Prostate cancer treatment Nubeqa drives its ambition, recently tipped to become a €3 billion seller.
Grünenthal has invested over €2 billion in successful M&A transactions over the last several years. The latest deal to buy testosterone treatment Nebido from Bayer will expand its existing portfolio of medicines. The deal is expected to close by the end of 2022, subject to approval by the relevant competition authorities.
Bayer to sell men’s health product Nebido™ to Grünenthal
I’m not saying that it’s absolutely necessary to inject bi-weekly, but in general it’s much better than taking it once every 6 or even 12 weeks as stated by manufacturer. Disregarding of what ester you use – frequent injections is the best way to keep your test levels stable. The group faces competition from big-selling pharma products Eylea for ophthalmic diseases and anticoagulant Xarelto in the coming years. The two companies said that the transaction is expected to close by the end of 2022, subject to approval by the competition authorities. The company is now entering its final phase of integrating the two UK businesses under the Bayer Schering Pharma banner.
It is used for the treatment of clinical symptoms such as regression of secondary sexual characteristics, change in body composition, asthenia, reduced libido or erectile dysfunction due to low testosterone levels (testosterone deficiency). NebidoTM demonstrated a robust safety and efficacy profile backed with solid long-term data. The Company believes and the FDA concurs that the reaction is likely the result of a small amount of the oily solution immediately entering the vascular system from the injection site, a known, rare complication of oil-based depot injections.
Grünenthal acquires testosterone treatment Nebido™ from Bayer
There was a significant improvement in lipid profiles, with total serum cholesterol dropping from 297.7 to 194.5mg/dL, triglycerides dropping from 290.4 to 194.2 mg/dL, and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol dropping from 160.4 to 118.3 mg/dL. SANCTURA(R) and SANCTURA XR(TM) belong to a class of anticholinergic compounds known as muscarinic receptor antagonists. A mix of strong entrepreneurial spirit, close collaboration and outstanding performance define our approach to leadership alongside a commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. It contains important instructions to ensure safety and effective use of this medication.