Full HD. Testing three Full HD planes
Only a few months have passed since the ipad (hereinafter referred to the last generation is implied; "Gambrine" No. 6/22, "number one") with an incredible resolution of 2048×1536 for a tablet, as competitors on Android appeared on sale. They almost reached the impressive Retina numbers, but the proposed 1920×1200 deserve to be told about them. […]
GeForce GTX 780. Testing a new generation of NVIDIA video cards
Usually it is customary to start articles about the new generation with enthusiastic words about progress, future, beautiful graphics and speed records … but not this time. The output of the "seven -hundredths" in the composition GTX 780 And GTX 770 – This is the planned upgrade GTX 600 , The beginning of which was […]
Useful software, release 3: tourist
The exam was written, exams are passed, vacation pay was received – the glorious time of the summer holidays is in full swing. With a clear conscience, you can leave the gamepad gather dust on the shelf, and go to warm up the bones to the beach, go to my grandmother in the village or […]